Privacy policy

Hey there, privacy-conscious shopper! We know how important it is to protect your personal information, so we've got your back. Here at MegaMog demo, we take your privacy seriously (but not too seriously, because life's too short to be serious all the time).

When you shop with us, we collect some basic information like your name, email address, and shipping address. Don't worry, we won't use this info to stalk you or show up uninvited at your doorstep (we promise!). We only use it to process your orders and make sure your goodies get to you as quickly as possible.

We may also collect some non-personal information, like your IP address and the type of device you're using. This helps us improve our website and provide you with a better shopping experience. Plus, it gives us some cool stats to geek out over (because we're nerds like that).

Rest assured, we won't sell, rent, or give away your personal information to anyone (not even to our favorite pizza delivery guy). We're committed to keeping your data safe and secure, just like a squirrel hoards its acorns.

Now, we do use cookies on our website, but not the kind you can eat (unfortunately). These little digital cookies help us remember your preferences and tailor your shopping experience to your liking. They also help us track our marketing efforts, so we can see what's working and what's not (because we're all about efficiency).

If you're not a fan of cookies, you can always disable them in your browser settings. Just be aware that this might affect your shopping experience and make our website a little less personalized. But hey, it's your choice, and we respect that.

Lastly, we may occasionally send you some emails about new products, promotions, or exclusive discounts. But don't worry, we won't spam your inbox like a crazy ex. If you ever want to opt out of these emails, just let us know and we'll stop bothering you (but we'll miss you, just saying).

Well, that's about it for our privacy policy. If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to reach out to our friendly customer support team. They're always here to help, just like a trusty sidekick.

Thanks for choosing MegaMog demo! Happy shopping and stay quirky!